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西洋の論じた日中・太平洋戦争 同時代英語文献復刻シリーズ  第2回配本:戦中期編 全6巻 ロジャー・バックリー(編集・解説) - ユーリカ・プレス
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西洋の論じた日中・太平洋戦争 同時代英語文献復刻シリーズ  第2回配本:戦中期編 全6巻 WARS AND RUMOURS OF WAR, Selected Contemporary Readings on Crises and Conflict

価格 118,000円+税
978-4-902454-92-5   COPY
9784902454925   COPY
ISBN 10h
4-902454-92-0   COPY
4902454920   COPY
902454   COPY
3:専門 3:全集・双書 21:日本歴史






Foreword by AKIRA IRIYE
Introduction “The End of Western Supremacy in Asia” by ROGER BUCKLEY

Volume I: JAPAN
1-1 Hikomatsu Kamikawa, The Bolshevization of Asia, Contemporary Japan, December 1937, 393-404
1-2 Ujiro Ohyama, The American Position: Cat'spaw or Common Sense, Contemporary Japan, December 1937, 464-474
1-3 Lt-Comdr Tota Ishimaru, I.J.N., Japan Must Fight Britain, The Paternoster Library, no. XI, 1937, 288pp.
1-4 Dr Kazutami Ukita, Humanity at the Crossroads, Dai Nippon 1938, 1938, 26-33
1-5 Shingoro Takaishi, Japan Speaks Out, 1938, ii, iii, v-ix, 1-73, 93-128, 135-147, 151-159
1-6 Yosuke Matsuoka, Building Up Manchuria, 1938, i-ii, 1-6, 1-2, 1-2, 2pp, 1-11, 28-35, 48-89, 103-116, 126-135, 173-213, 227-236
1-7 Shigemitsu, Shigemitsu speech, Proceedings of the Japan Society London, xxxvi, 1939, xviii-xxii
1-8 Viscount Kano, Viscount Kano speech, Proceedings of the Japan Society London, xxxvi, 1939, xxv-xxix
1-9 Yakichiro Suma, Where Japan Stands: Addresses Delivered in America on the Sino-Japanese Conflict, 1940, 49-76, 196-201, 214-225
1-10 Kinaoki Matsuo, trans Kilsoo K. Haan, How Japan Plans to Win, 1942, cover, iii-xxiv, 1-46, 196-201, 202-226, 234-323

Volume II: CHINA
2-1 Shuhsi Hsu, The War Conduct of the Japanese, 1938, 217pp.
2-2 Stephen C.Y. Pan, American Diplomacy Concerning Manchuria, 1938, i-iii, xix, 293-346
2-3 D.K. Lieu, The Sino-Japanese Currency War, Pacific Affairs, December 1939, 413-426
2-4 Chiang Kai-shek, Crimes and Corruption of the Japanese Militarists, 7 July 1940, 15pp.
2-5 Tan Pei-Ying, The Building of the Burma Road, 1945, prelims + map (7), 24-25, 37-60, 194-200
2-6 Chiang Kai-shek, The Northeast - Fourteen Years After, 18 September 1945
2-7 F.C. Jones, Shanghai and Tientsin: with special reference to foreign interests, 1940, cover, ii-iii, vii-xxxii, 1-9, 18-20, 36-49, 57-83, 87-93, 104-105
2-8 Eugene Staley (International Labour Office), World Economic Development: Effects on Advanced Industrial Countries, 1944, 68-75, 94-104
2-9 Gunther Stein, The Challenge of Red China, 1945, extracts

Vol. III: USA [1]
3-1 Julia E. Johnsen, Chinese-Japanese War, 1937-, 1938, 1-21, 66-74, 87-93, 99-111, 132-133, 147-161, 180-183, 188-197, 220-223, 255-257
3-2 William Henry Chamberlin, Japan Over Asia, 1938, i-xii, 13-72, 122-146, 302-318
3-3 John Gunther, Inside Asia, 1939, 1-92, 102-134, 234-249
3-4 James Farquharson Leys, The Better Earth, 1940, i-v, 43-45, 97-101, 109-114
3-5 Chitoshi Yanaga, Recent Trends in Japanese Political Thought, Pacific Affairs, June 1940, 25-127
3-6 Charles B. Fahs, Government in Japan: Recent Trends in its Scope and Operation, 1940, xi-xiii, xv, 3-61, 81-89
3-7 Lawrence K. Rosinger, Soviet Far Eastern Policy, Pacific Affairs, 13, 3, September 1940, 263-278
3-8 William Henry Chamberlin, Japan in China, 1940, 7-43, 44-74, 127-143

Vol.IV: USA [2]
4-1 Claude A. Buss, War and Diplomacy in Eastern Asia, 1941, 42-195, 499-550
4-2 William H. Taylor and Robert A. Brady, Policy Centralization in Japan Under the Kokutai Principle, Pacific Affairs, 14, 1, March 1941, 51-77
4-3 William C. Johnstone, The United States and Japan's New Order, August 1941, rev. ed., title, vii-xii, 283-335, 350-366
4-4 G. Nye Steiger, Japan's New Pro-Axis Premier, Current History, December 1941, 349-353
4-5 Kurt Bloch, ‘Guns and Butter' in Japan, Pacific Affairs, December 1941, 416-429
4-6 George E. Taylor, America's Pacific Policy: The Role and the Record, Pacific Affairs, December 1941, 430-447
4-7 Edward W. Mill, Japan Losing the Initiative, Current History, October 1942, 100-105
4-8 George E. Taylor, America in the New Pacific, 1942, 1-35, 69-97, 113-156
4-9 Ira Wolfert, Battle of the Solomons, October-November 1942, 1943, contents, 1-16, 97-118, 185-200

Vol. V: USA [3]
5-1 Kate L.Mitchell, Japan's Industrial Strength, 1942, i-ix, 140, index
5-2 Paul M.A. Linebarger, The China of Chiang K'ai-shek, 1943, 254-281
5-3 Frederick Moore, The Emperor Did Not Want War, World Affairs, 1943, 45-52
5-4 T.A. Bisson, Problems of War Production Control in Japan, Pacific Affairs, 16, 3, September 1943, 301-310
5-5 A.J. Grajdanzev, Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere, Pacific Affairs, 16, 3, September 1943, 311-328
5-6 Harriet L. Moore, Soviet Far Eastern Policy: 1931-1945, 1945, v-xi, 80-125, 126-149, 240-277
5-7 General Victor A. Yakhontoff, Should Russia Fight Japan?, Current History, January 1945, 1-6
5-8 Robert S. Ward, Asia for the Asiatics: The Techniques of Japanese Occupation, 1945, title, v-xi, map (2), xiii-xiv, 1-37, 84-95, 160-200
5-9 T.H. Thomas, Advance in Asia, Current History, July 1945, 12-17
5-10 Major Ben Bruce Blakeney, The Japanese High Command, Military Affairs, Summer 1945, 95-113
5-11 Fritz Sternberg, Japan's Economic Imperialism, Social Research, 12, 3, September 1945, 328-349
5-12 Mark R. Shaw, What Drove Japan to War?, Peace Action, September 1945, p.3

Vol Vl: UK
6-1 Walter H. Mallory, Japan Attacks: China Resists, Foreign Affairs, October 1937, 129-142
6-2 Hector C. Bywater, Britain on the Seas, Foreign Affairs, 16, 2, January 1938, 210-221
6-3 G.M. Gathorne-Hardy, A Short History of International Affairs, 1920 to 1938, The Far East, December 1938, rev. ed., ch XIX - 301-334
6-4 Anon., China and Japan, Info Dept papers, 21, 1939, 151pp.
6-5 Winston S. Churchill, What Japan Thinks Of Us, Step by Step, 1936-1939, 1939, 193-196
6-6 Winston S. Churchill, Japan Entangled, Step by Step, 1936-1939, 1939, 233-236
6-7 Winston S. Churchill, The Japanese Burden, Step by Step, 1936-1939, 1939, 281-286
6-8 George Sansom, Liberalism in Japan, Foreign Affairs, 19, 3, April 1941, 551-560
6-9 Hugh Byas, The Japanese Enemy: His Power and His Vulnerability, 1942, 5-88
6-10 Ian Morrison, This War Against Japan: Thoughts on the Present Conflict in the Far East, 1943, 119pp. + photos
6-11 Paul Einzig, The Japanese New Order in Asia, 1943, title, v-xii, 1-22, 47-55, 66-76, 137-145
6-12 Peter de Mendelssohn, Japan's Political Warfare, 1944, title, 5-66, 77-82, 104-185
6-13 Bernard Fergusson, Beyond the Chindwin, 1945, title, 5-23, 100-114, 238-242


(…) Buckley’s volume helps us understand recent Japanese history by putting it in the framework of global history. That, after all, is the only sensible way to study modern history. No country exists in isolation from other countries. Nor do individuals live their separate lives confined to their countries. Japan is no exception, and indeed few countries have been as dependent on other countries and people as the Japanese for their food, raw materials, manpower, and even for ideas and tastes. So, how globalization has come to Japan, and vice versa, is a key theme in modern world history, and reading this collection will be an excellent way to bring ourselves to that realization.  入江昭(ハーヴァード大学名誉教授)


ロジャー・バックリー  (ロジャーバックリー)  (編集・解説


入江昭  (イリエアキラ)  (序文

