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Experiencing Byzantium : papers from the 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Newcastle and Durham, April 2011 Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies(著/文) - Ashgate

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Experiencing Byzantium : papers from the 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Newcastle and Durham, April 2011

978-1-47241229-4   COPY
9781472412294   COPY
ISBN 10h
1-47241229-X   COPY
147241229X   COPY


From the reception of imperial ekphraseis in Hagia Sophia to the sounds and smells of the back streets of Constantinople, the sensory perception of Byzantium is an area that lends itself perfectly to an investigation into the experience of the Byzantine world. The theme of experience embraces all aspects of Byzantine studies and the Experiencing Byzantium symposium brought together archaeologists, architects, art historians, historians, musicians and theologians in a common quest to step across the line that divides how we understand and experience the Byzantine world and how the Byzantines themselves perceived the sensual aspects of their empire and also their faith, spirituality, identity and the nature of 'being' in Byzantium.The papers in this volume derive from the 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, held for the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies by the University of Newcastle and University of Durham, at Newcastle upon Tyne in April 2011. They are written by a group of international scholars who have crossed disciplinary boundaries to approach an understanding of experience in the Byzantine world.Experiencing Byzantium is volume 18 in the series published by Ashgate on behalf of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies.


Contents: Introduction
Experiencing Byzantium, Claire Nesbitt and Mark Jackson
Section I Experiencing Art: Things: art and experience in Byzantium, Liz James
Repetition and replication: sacred and secular patterned textiles, Warren T. Woodfin. Section II Experiencing Faith: Experiencing the sacred, Beatrice Caseau
Experiencing the liturgy in Byzantium, Andrew Louth
Different approaches to an early Byzantine monument: Procopius and Ibn Battuta on the church of St John at Ephesos, Nikolas Karydis. Section III Experiencing Landscape: Locating Byzantine monasteries. Spatial considerations and strategies in the rural landscape, Nikolas Bakirtzis
Experiencing politico: new methodologies for analyzing the landscape of a rural Byzantine society, Katie Green
Processing emotion: litanies in Byzantine Constantinople, Vicky Manolopoulou. Section IV Experiencing Ritual: The cross of light: experiencing divine presence in Byzantine Syria, Heather Hunter-Crawley
Experiencing mid-Byzantine mortuary practice: shrouding the dead, Sophie V. Moore. Section V Experiencing Self: How Icelanders experienced Byzantium, real and imagined, Scott Ashley
Experiencing physical beauty in Byzantium: the body and the ideal, Myrto Hatzaki
Experiencing self: how mid-Byzantine historians presented their experience, Dion C. Smythe. Section VI Experiencing Stories: Experiencing the Byzantine text, experiencing the Byzantine tent, Margaret Mullett
Sensing ascension in early Byzantium, Georgia Frank
From Earth to heaven: the changing musical soundscape of Byzantine liturgy, Alexander Lingas
