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Diversity in Japanese culture and language Macdonald, Gaynor(著/文) - Kegan Paul International

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Diversity in Japanese culture and language

978-0-71030477-3   COPY
9780710304773   COPY
ISBN 10h
0-71030477-3   COPY
0710304773   COPY


This is the first in-depth study of the "other" Japan - the diverse and complex culture that belies the conventional portrayal of Japan as a homogenous entity. Moving, fascinating and surprising, this book sets out the largely untold story of the cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity found in Japan today, where members of marginal societal groups are ignored by the mainstream on the grounds of physical, ethnic, religious or other differences. Among them are the Ainu, Koreans, "Buraku", women, returnees and the deaf, for all of whom this work serves as a forum to give eloquent voice to their history and present situation. This unique study describes the existing plurality in Japan in order to start balancing the perspectives which currently exist in the non-Japanese literature about Japan; to challenge the myth of Japanese uniqueness by focusing on very common experiences that Japanese people share with peoples in other parts of the world; and above all, to counteract the common tendency to see complexity as a threat by illustrating the value to society as a whole of diversity and cultural plurality.


Part 1 Introduction: culture and diversity in Japan, Gaynor Macdonald and John C. Maher. Part 2 Historical and cultural frameworks: nationalism and cultural pluralism in modern Japan - Soetsu Yanagi and the Mingei Movement, M. William Steele
the sociology of ethnocentrism in Japan, Hideichiro Nakano
the Ainu - construction of an image, Richard Siddle
the right stuff - towards environmental liguistics, John C. Maher and Charles Li. Part 3 Other voices - Ainu, Korean and people of the Buraku: deprivation and resistance - Ainu movements in modern Japan, Richard Siddle
my heritage of pride and struggle, Kyoko Kitahara
maintaining culture and language - Koreans in Osaka, John C. Maher and Yumiko Kawanishi
Ikuno-ku, Osaka - centre of hope and struggle, Yong Yo Yi
the confidence to live! experiencing the Buraku literation movement, Ryuichi Kariya. Part 4 Other voices - families, signs and differences: woman as outsider - sexuality, society and the familial mind, Aya Nishizono-Maher et al
the right to speak - language maintenance in Japan, Kuyoko Yashiro
a non-Japanese Japanese - on being a returnee, Akiko Kowatari
the deaf and their language - progress towards equality, Noboyuki Honna. Part 5 Afterword: the politics of diversity in the nation-state, Gaynor Macdonald.
