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Globalization and its discontents McBride, Stephen(著/文) - Macmillan;St. Martin's Press

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Globalization and its discontents

978-0-33377552-3   COPY
9780333775523   COPY
ISBN 10h
0-33377552-X   COPY
033377552X   COPY


Most analyses of globalization convey the message that it is an unstoppable force sweeping away national sovereignty and inevitably creating a brave new world of borderless and boundless consumerism. In such a context politics and democracy become irrelevant. In contrast, many of the contributions to this book conclude that there are real political choices to be made. Even though the economic context has changed, politics still matter. These studies are grounded in particular historical and national contexts, with each chapter linking broad theoretical and political debates to current and tangible examples. The contradictory aspects of globalization are highlighted as the volatility of the global economy creates a crisis of legitimacy for the advocates of neo-liberal policies, which are premised on stripping away the protections that nation-states used to provide their citizens. This situation creates important opportunities, as well as dangers, for trade union and democratic social movements.


List of Tables Preface Notes on the Contributors Introduction
S.McBride & J.Wiseman PART I: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES What is Globalization
G.Teeple The Politics of Globalization and Labour Strategies
S.McBride PART II: POLITICAL AGENCY AND THE INSTRUMENTS OF GLOBALIZATION Globalization as Discipline: The Case of Australia and International Finance
D.Bryan & M.Rafferty Creating the Institutions of the Global Economy? Central Bank Independence in Japan and Italy
B.MacLean, A.Croci & P.Bowles The Right Thing: Globalization and the Policy Process: A Case Study
R.Watts International Financial Institutions, International Capital Flows and Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries
J.Busumtwi-Sam Benchmarking, Global Best Practice and Production Renorming in the Australian Coal Industry: The Impact of Globalization
B.Bowden & B.Russell PART III: CONTRADICTIONS AND AMBIGUITIES Global Markets and State Power: Explaining the Limited Impact of International Tax Competition
M.Webb The Making of the Citizen Self and Citizen Other: Canada's Non-Immigrant Employment Authorization Program
N.Sharma Globalization and Cross-Border People Movements: The Case of Recent Revisions in U.S. Immigration Legislation
T.Cohn The ICFTU Labour Clause Proposal: A Legal and Political Critique
M.Swenarchuk A 'Double Movement': Implications of Globalization and Pluralization for the Canadian Welfare State
J.Rice & M.Prince PART IV: CRISIS, LEVELS OF ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES Economic Turmoil in Asia: A Crisis of Globalization
J.Price Rethinking Global Strategies
M.G.Cohen Alternatives to Oppressive Globalization
J.Wiseman Index
